Friday, December 25, 2009
Monday December 14th
Later that night, we shared a group dinner at the restaurant in the Holiday Inn. The food was not the best but it was nice sharing the 2nd to last night with the group. By this time we were all in "going home mode".
Sunday December 13th
Later this night three families met for dinner at the Pizza Hut near the holiday inn. It would mark the 2nd of three times eating there. The food was very good. In total we had 13 people have dinner. It was kinda funny seeing all these Americans with Chinese babies take over a Pizza Hut. During dinner I snapped some more pictures and caught one of the funniest ones. It shows Tianna and Laura drinking from mugs and the expression on Tiannas face looks likes she is saying "Bar keeper give me another "
Saturday December 12th
Mary, the 5th family also was in on this exam trip. She was with us in Beijing as well with Sandra and Dan. Also Gui Lan Zong, our tour guide flew in the night before. When we got to the exam office is looked like a mad house. Kids, parents and guides all over the place. We waited for a little while and then us and Veronika got called in to go over our daughters results. We were up 1st and my fears came true, Tianna test positive on the skin test. Admittedly I was flipping mad inside.
Now I wanted some answers, our local guide Wensi said " we need to give Tianna a chest x-ray". I wanted to know what will happen to my daughter if this shows up positive. No one could give me any type of an answer. Fearing the worse I called for Gui Lan to come over to figure out what was going on. Laura could see that the "Big guy" was gonna explode.
Well after I paid the 200 yen fee for the x-ray, which BTW Tianna thought was fun, it all came out negative. Tianna was fine and we would be okay to leave on the 17th. Another thank you to God goes here.
Funny though, Laura reminded me later on that Tianna had received a TB shot in the orphanage, so of course she would show positive on the skin test. Anyways all is good.
Friday December 11th
Across from the White Swan are plenty of stores with out side tables set up to sell there merchandise. I got a lot of fun out of these stores as it was a game to see just how low they would go down from there original asking price for there stuff. This one store gave me a price of 620 Yen ( which is about 90 USD ) with in a couple of minutes I had him down to 225.
The three of us had a quite night as far as dinner goes. We were a bit excited knowing that the rest of our group was flying in tonight and we would all be together for the 1st time.
December 10th
The morning we met Veronika and her new daughter in the lobby. Veronika was with is in Beijing and we left there the same day. We also met up with a 5th family that began there trip in Hong Kong. Dawn and Thomas and there three kids and new daughter. The three families were headed for about a 15 min walk to the medical building for the test.
Getting through the maze of street vendors was interesting. As we walk through there I really thought just how lucky we were to live in the USA. There are people trying to make a living selling dog food on the side of a street.
Tianna was not to happy with the exam, she cried and cried. It only got worse when we did the TB test. They had to stick her with a needle. It was at this time when Laura and I both felt we had become parents as we FELT Tianna's pain. She hurt we hurt.
The rest of the day was to ourselves and we ate lunch at a western style outdoor restaurant "Lucys" right near the White Swan. It was here that we are Bacon Cheeseburgers and fries. It was also here where I almost lost it with the China locals. Tianna woke up early from a nap to have lunch, she was not happy and cried and cried. Its bad enough that I now have a screaming child with me in public but now I have to have a table of three Chinese people just staring at us. It is customary to admire the adopted child when they are seen with there new parents in public. But this almost put me over the edge. Laura was surprise that I kept my cool. But I kept telling myself "we are leaving soon".
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Thought about December 8th and 9th
The 1st order of business was the registration, this was a moving time because after we all sign some papers and put our finger prints down on paper they lady said, "Congratulations you are now a family".
When it was time to leave we had shed most of the extra "luggage", that was my name for the $7,ooo in US cash I have been holding on to since we left for the airport.
Wednesday the 9th was the day we would leave Changsha and the Hunan area for good. I kinda felt sorry for Tianna because we were taking her from her home city for good and she has know understanding what is happening to her. I could only image if some one had down this to me. I wonder how I would feel. But Laura and I both know it is for her own good.
Tianna took her 1st plane ride tonight, it went real well and it was short, 1 hour flight to Guangho. Tianna was funny in the airport, she wanted to wear her "hello kitty" back pack, its about the same size she is. We were so looking forward to getting to the new hotel, as we knew we were catching up with one of the families we had left in Beijing and would meet a new family that started the trip from Hong Kong.
Also we knew this was the last stop before we would be allowed to GO HOME.
Thoughts about Dec 6th and 7th
We got very excited when he told us that he has been in contact with Tiannas orphange and they said that Tianna is excited about having a momma and poppa. I thought it might have been tough to sleep tonight but as it was I got a good night sleep in.
Monday morning seemed to fly by, before you know it we were in the lobby waiting for Jackie to pick us up. The civil affairs building was only a couple of minutes away and shortly we would see Tianna for the 1st time. Tianna cam walking in the waiting room with a couple of nannies and her friend, who was being adopted at the same time.
It was kind of a strange moment in a good way, we had seen pictures of Tianna and she seen us and now we were face to face, I almost did not know what to do. The whole meeting last about 30 mins, we took a few pictures and it was off to returning to the hotel.
We went back to the room with Jackie and filled out some paper work, sykped with Tiannas grandparents and headed down for some lunch. Jackie stayed with us to order food for Tianna and make sure we were set up at the restaurant. The rest of the night was a get to know you session.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
OK - I'm a little behind...
Hi everyone,
Matt and I are having the time of our lives here in Beijing, China. The first picture is from the hotel lobby. We're staying at the Novotel Beijing Peace Hotel. The second is from the the Great Wall. We didn't climb up Great Wall, but did climb all the way down. It was pretty rough, but it was a great experience. Gui Lan Zong is justs as amazing as everyone at New Beginnings says. She's been wonderful. Our travel mates are also quite amazing people.
Tomorrow is Sunday, and we leave for Changsha to await the first meeting with our daughter Tianna Rose. Not sure how much sleep we'll get tomorrow night, as our thoughts will be on how things will go the next few days.
That's all for now folks. We'll talk to you more once we become parents.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Laura and Matt have Tianna Rose!
Congratulations to the Balkam Family!!
Friday, December 4, 2009
Laura and Matt are in Beijing
I got a brief email from Laura last night at about 7:50pm Eastern:
We are in Beijing. So far everything is going great. We are sitting in the lobby of our hotel watching the rush hour traffic. Seems strange knowing it's evening there. lol
They're sightseeing over the first few days and will be meeting their lovely daughter Tianna Rose soon.
I'll post again when I hear from Laura and Matt. Take care!